Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Tuesday, June 30, 2009
MAPE 4 and 5
Dear Marians,
Praised be Jesus and Mary!

To all Grade 4 Health, Love, Consolation and Courage and All Grade 5 pupils!

While having a vacation at home, I really get bored. That’s why I engage myself in doing some art works and I find out that this can help you also because it is related to our lesson in ART. So I prepare an online lecture and some activities that will enhance your knowledge and skills in ART. Supposedly our lesson next week is all about colors, I want you to explore by applying the learning you gained through this Online Lesson in Art.
Kindly text, call or inform your other classmates and other section about this Online Lesson once you have read this.
Submission of your ART WORK will be on July 6, 2009 (MW) and July 7, 2009 (TF).

Good luck and have a GREAT and productive vacation! I am looking forward in checking your Art work. Just explore and use your creativity. I miss you guys.

God Bless!

-Ms. Bernalte

note: Pls. post a comment stating that you have read this announcement. Thank You!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Good day !!! Yes I Have read the announcement thank you very much and God Bless.

    Ian Benedick S. Taylo
    Grade IV- Our Lady of Courage
