Tuesday, June 30, 2009


If you can imagine it, you can achieve it.
If you can dream it, you can become it;
whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire,
sincerely believe and enthusiastically act upon…
must inevitably come to pass; most people have no idea
of the giant capacity we can immediately command
when we focus all of our resources on achieving
something we want…

“Each one of us has been given
A special talent and purpose by God,,,
It is up to us how to make the most of it.”

Definition of each Color

Each color has a different emotional and character signification:

1. Red - stands for courage, war, passion, violence, life, love
2. Blue - stands for justice, peace, wisdom, honesty
3. Yellow - stands for pride, cowardice, jealousy
4. Green - stands for deceit, hope
5. Violet - stands for majesty, pomposity, mysticism
6. Orange - stands for growth
7. Brown - stands for miser lines
8. White - stands for purity, chastity

ART WORK # 2 For Grade V only


Oslo Paper
Oil Pastel
Pentel Pen
What to Do
1. Draw your favorite scenery. You can choose on the following:
 My Garden
 Sunset
 Seascape
2. Color your work by applying various techniques in coloring such as Hue, Value and Intensity.
(see the example output)
3. In 1 whole intermediate pad, write a short composition/essay about your ART WORK #2.

Art Lesson On Line 2 for Gr.V

For Grade V Only

Three Main Visual Properties of Colors

Color has three main visual properties. These are Hue, Value and Intensity.

HUE – it is the actual color e.g. red, blue, orange or green.
VALUE – in terms of color, it refers to the degree of lightness or darkness. Adding neutral colors such as black or white to any colors (e.g. blue or red) results in changing the quantity of light it reflects. To obtain lightness to a color, add white. Add black if you want it darker.
INTENSITY – refers to the brightness or dullness of color. The bright colors are said to be high in intensity, the duller ones are lower in intensity.

ART WORK # 2 For Grade IV only

Title : “My favorite fruit”
Oslo Paper
Oil Pastel
Pentel Pen
What to Do
1.Draw 1 of your favorite fruit in an oslo paper.
2.Color it by applying the value scale.
3.As a review on our lesson about lines, choose two kinds of line (e.g. jagged, vertical or broken) and use it as your background. You can use different colors for your lines. (see the example output)
Note: Additional Activity for OUR LADY OF LOVE
In 1 whole intermediate pad, write a short composition/essay about your ART WORK #2.

Art Lesson On Line 2 for Gr.IV

For Grade IV Only

Topic: VALUE

Value, in terms of color, refers to its degree of lightness or darkness. Adding neutral colors such as black or white to any colors (e.g. blue or red) results in changing the quantity of light it reflects. To obtain lightness to a color, add white. Add black if you want it darker.

ART WORK # 1 For Grade IV and Grade V

Title : “Color Wheel Quiz”
Oslo Paper
Oil Pastel/Crayons
Pentel Pen
What to Do
1. Copy the color wheel on an oslo paper.
2. Shade the inner circle with three primary colors.
3. Color the second layer/part with secondary colors.
4. Do same thing with the last layer/part using the tertiary colors.